In our classroom, we try to enrich it with books, pictures, materials, and conversations that depict mirrors and windows. Mirrors to see not only a reflection of ourselves but also areas where we can grow. Windows to see into the lives of others to find common ground, gain new insights, and appreciate the beauty of diversity.
In the classroom, we focus on acceptance, love, and "Same Same but different" every day, and not always as a unit. This concept is based on a book where two boys have things in their life that are the same, such as a family, a car, a school, a grocery store, and they describe each thing, noticing the similarities, but also how they are different. Despite their differences they are friends, they are kind and respectful of one and another. We want to take teachable moments and expand on them as the children have questions, concerns, curiosities, and observations.
Here is a link to our NAEYC site about Diversity and how we promote it inside the classroom:
Why is diversity so important? Diversity is important because the world is changing every day. We must learn to accept and get along with people of all cultures, races, and religions in order to become productive citizens of the world. It is our job as adults to prepare our children for the real world, and the real world is a very diverse one.
We have the opportunity to teach our students love and acceptance NOW.
Attached is a great resource to use with your children while talking to them about acceptance and diversity. This is the time to have the talk, no matter what age they are at. the resource gives you many different ways to bring up the topic, take what is right for you and your family, and make it your own.