As much as I miss my classroom and being a teacher, especially during these times, I’m not going back to the preschool any time soon. I decided to step down as lead teacher of my classroom, to stay safe and with Alita for as long as possible.
This was such a hard decision. For me to make, and as I write this I’m tearing up in all honestly. I have full dedication to the program I have worked apart of for the last 15 years and passion for my responsibilities as a teacher. But, I need to be able to make sacrifices and choices for my family, and that means not returning to work because of the possibility of exposure to the COVID-19 virus at this time.
My classroom was is in good hands, and I’m always in contact with how the children and staff are doing. Things are different there, procedures are different, there are less the. 20 students now in our 36 student classroom. The routine is different, and the experience is different but it is all for the best. I have been supportive from afar, and now it’s time for me to step back out into the world safely and with caution.
I decided to help a family that was in my classroom as a part of a pod. Where each family takes caution and practices social distancing and quarantine when needed. Alita will be safe there, and the kids and parents will love her! Plus I will get some extra hands entertaining her And loving on her too!
I however am so anxious. I’m anxious because, how is Alita going to adjust tomorrow? As I multi-task with my attention on other little humans? How is she going to react to these new humans in general? She is a quarantine baby, and she hasn’t gotten much human interaction other than from us. Will she cry the whole time? Will she laugh the whole time? I just want to protect this precious little girl of mine, no matter what.

My classroom was is in good hands, and I’m always in contact with how the children and staff are doing. Things are different there, procedures are different, there are less the. 20 students now in our 36 student classroom. The routine is different, and the experience is different but it is all for the best. I have been supportive from afar, and now it’s time for me to step back out into the world safely and with caution.
I decided to help a family that was in my classroom as a part of a pod. Where each family takes caution and practices social distancing and quarantine when needed. Alita will be safe there, and the kids and parents will love her! Plus I will get some extra hands entertaining her And loving on her too!

I am starting a “traveling teachers” campaign! Teachers, nannies, college students, are using their expertise and passion to help families during this difficult time Entertain, and educate their children in the comfort of their own home. With a pod mentality, you can still keep each other safe while supporting the millions of families who are struggling working from home, while their little ones are distant learning.
Alita and I will be joining a family 4. Both parents are working from home, the oldest is 7 and the youngest is 3. Between distant learning, preschool curriculum and Alita, we will have so much fun! This pandemic has changed the life for so many people, Alita really hasn’t been around other people, especially for such a long time. I have not had this long of social interaction since March! starting tomorrow, we will be out of the house 3 days a week for 6 hours, plus travel time.
I however am so anxious. I’m anxious because, how is Alita going to adjust tomorrow? As I multi task with my attention on other little humans? How is she going to react to these new humans in general? She is a quarantine baby, and she hasn’t gotten much human interaction other than from us. Will she cry the whole time? Will she laugh the whole time? I just want to protect this precious little girl of mine, no matter what.

Guys, I’m not even leaving her, and I’m freaking out! Here is why, I’m an anxious person, and hate the feeling of change. I know change must happen, but I just always have a tough time with it. For the first time, I have to be strong not just for myself, but my daughter too. This will come naturally, and I am wondering how it will all play out.
We will get up and get ready, pack the bags, pour the coffee in the tumbler this time and not the ceramic Disney cup, pack the car, and for the first time drive in the car together by ourselves, her in the backseat, and me driving upfront. Mike has been driving, with me in the back seat with Alita so this will even be different for us.
Alita and I got this, we are strong, and we are warriors during this Pandemic and always! We together got through pregnancy, labor, and delivery, breastfeeding and we can get through our first day back safely in society.
I feel like it’s the first day of school, I have my lunch packed, and all Alita’s diapers, clothes, toys, etc packed and by the door. I have both our outfits laid out, coffee is ready and the protein shake is prepped. It will be a great day I am sure, but right now, the anxiousness is intense. Thank goodness I get to bring my little one with me. Tomorrow, I’ll be a teacher in a different light, as I return to work during the pandemic with a baby.
